At the time of the announcement it stated that users would be able to transfer all their games to Steam sometime in the future. But it didn’t give a hard date. Now that there is one, those who own games through the launcher have an actual timeframe of when to complete this process. Owners of those games shouldn’t wait too long though as there’s not much time from when the transfer begins and when Bethesda is sunsetting the launcher.

You can transfer your Bethesda games to Steam on April 27

You’ll have just under two weeks before you can transfer your Bethesda games to Steam. With the start date being April 27. From that point, you will have until May 11 to get the transfer completed. At which point you will no longer be able to play or access your games through the launcher. If you purchased games through the launcher, you can transfer them to your Steam account. Then those games will be available to add to your Steam library for free. As expected. Keep in mind that even with your games on Steam, you’ll still need a account. You’ll need this for everything from game mods to skins. So don’t shut your account down once the transfer finishes.

Most of your stuff will transfer over

You shouldn’t have to worry about losing much if anything in the transfer process. In addition to the games themselves, save files, currencies, and friends lists will all make the trip. You may have to manually move some of your saves over though. While others will move over automatically.