Make sure to clip the $2 off coupon on the page, that knocks the price down from $16.99 to just $14.99. Kasa, is TP-Link’s brand for its smart home products. So it may not be a brand that you’ve heard of before, but TP-Link is. They are pretty well-known for their routers and such. These smart plugs from Kasa are really great, because they are “mini” smart plugs. So that they don’t cover up the other outlet. And you can use both wall outlets with these, which is a really nice thing to have. The older smart plugs are much larger and will cover up both outlets, only letting you use one. Kasa Smart Plugs are a great way to start making your home, into a smart home. As you’re going to be able to control whatever is plugged into them, with the Kasa app. So if you have an older lamp or maybe. a microwave that you don’t want plugged in all the time, this is a great way to do that. Now, with smart plugs, the functionality is a bit limited. You basically can turn them on or off and that’s it. There’s nothing else you can really do here.