However, getting to this point is going to be no easy task for most players. Because there’s going to be quite a grind to achieve what is likely to be the most monumental unlock task in Call Of Duty history. While we don’t know what the reward is yet, we do know how to unlock it. And this guide is here to walk you through what you need to do.
How to unlock the hidden mastery reward in MW2
To get started with this absolutely insane grind, you’ll need to play and start unlocking weapons. Because you’re going to need to use them all.
Unlock every weapon in the game
As noted above you’re going to need to unlock every single weapon the game has. You’ll eventually need to work your way through using them all for this hidden reward. Keep in mind that some weapons are unlocked right away. This is the base collection of guns you can start with. Others will unlock as you level up certain weapons.
Unlock the four base camos for each weapon
Each weapon has four base camos you can unlock. These camos will not be the same for every weapon. And their challenges to unlock them will differ as well. Some merely require leveling the weapon up, while others will require you do specific tasks, like get 50 kills.
Unlock the four mastery camos for each weapon
Once you have the base camos for each weapon, you’ll need to work on unlocking the four mastery camos for them. These camos will be the Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and then finally, Orion. The challenge to unlock each of these four mastery camos is relatively the same for each weapon. Gold requires you to complete all base camo challenges. Platinum requires you to complete all Gold camo challenges. How many challenges there are will vary from weapon to weapon. The Lachmann Sub for instance has 8 Gold camo challenges to unlock the Platinum camo. But on the Signal 50 sniper rifle there are only 4 Gold camo challenges to unlock the Platinum camo. For both Polyatomic and Orion, you’ll have to complete 51 challenges each to get the camo. That means you’ll need to do all Polyatomic challenges for all 51 weapons in the game (currently, as more weapons will be added later) and then the Polyatomic camo unlocks. You’ll then need to equip the Polyatomic camo on all 51 weapons, then do the associated challenges for Orion. Once you’ve completed all those, the Orion camo unlocks. This is where the real grind starts.
Complete the mastery challenges for each mastery camo
Once you unlock each mastery camo, there will a mastery challenge tied to it. For Gold, you’ll need to get 100 kills with whatever weapon you have that camo equipped on. For Platinum, completion requires 200 kills. Polyatomic requires 300 kills, and then Orion requires 400 kills. Between all four mastery camos, that’s 1,000 kills. Keep in mind the camo has to be equipped to the weapon for those kills to count. And you have to do this 51 times. That’s 51,000 kills across all weapons currently in the game. And while that might not be so bad for some weapons (we reckon it’ll be pretty easy to rack up all those kills with weapons like the Lachmann Sub and Fennec 45, based on our own experience), just imagine needing to get 1,000 kills with the Riot Shield and how long that’s going to take.
Do things in any order you like
You can do these mastery camo challenges in any order that you want. If you want to complete the four mastery challenges for a single weapon before moving onto another one, feel free to do so. In the end it works out to be the same number of kills. 51,000. The only area we can see some variance is in when you complete the mastery challenges. Depending on how you like to play. For example, some maps are better suited for certain types of weapons. More open maps are generally better for longer range weapons. Whereas smaller maps with plenty of cover are great for short to medium range weapons like SMGs and pistols. Here’s another example. Regardless of what mode you play, if you get an open map like Taraq, you’re probably better off using a weapon that has at least some range. Like assault rifles or battle rifles. Or marksman rifles or snipers if you want really long range. In those cases, you might be better off working on the mastery challenges for those weapons. As opposed to say, something like the SMG or riot shield where you will potentially be outgunned by people with long-range weapons. That being said, even if you are going for this grind, ultimately it’s a game and you probably want to be having fun. Right? So do these in any order you wish. But if you want to be efficient and try to cut down on the time this will take, you will at least want to consider optimizing your time any way you can as you work through all of the challenges.