We’re all rooting for HTC to find its footing in the market again. It was a titan in the smartphone market, but now, people often forget that it’s even there. While it’s been able to expand in the VR space with its Vive series of devices, people really want the company to deliver a good flagship smartphone again.

But, the new HTC flagship phone was just postponed

So, HTC still wants to make phones. What was supposed to be special about the company’s new phone was that it was going to be centered around the Metaverse. We didn’t know what the company meant by that- but hey, it’s the mystery that made the phone more exciting. However, that mystery won’t be solved any time soon, as the company has postponed the phone. If you’re wondering why, well, take a guess. The current Coronavirus pandemic, which is still prevalent, is one of the main reasons. It continues to put a strain on all sorts of businesses around the world. Along with the pandemic, HTC postponed its flagship because of the current supply chain shortage. This chip shortage is still raging and putting a squeeze on several tech companies out there. Even companies like Samsung and Apple are feeling the weight of the chip shortage and making necessary compromises. These two factors are why HTC needed to postpone this phone for the time being. We’re not sure if postponing, in this case, means that the company is merely pushing the launch date back or that it’s shelving the phone altogether. What we do know is that there’s no end in sight for the pandemic or the chip shortage. This means that more companies are going to be affected along with HTC. There are people who are still trying to get their hands on a PS5 and/or Xbox Series S or X. We’ll need to keep an eye on HTC to see if anything changes.