Joe Biden believes Elon Musk should be “looked at” due to connections to other countries

Biden said that during a recent news conference. He was actually asked whether he thinks Elon Musk is a threat to national security. That question came up as Musk acquired Twitter with help from a Saudi Arabian conglomerate. Joe Biden said the following: “I think that Elon Musk’s cooperation and/or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being looked at.”, while adding: “Whether he is doing anything inappropriate, I’m not suggesting that. I’m suggesting they’re worth being looked at”. Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, who is amongst the richest Middle East investors, is the second-largest investor in Twitter. It is also worth noting that Joe Biden is not the only one who thinks Elon Musk is worth investigating. Two US senators agree, Ron Wyden and Chris Murphy. Ron Wyden actually chairs the finance committee. He said the following: “Given the Saudi regime’s history of jailing critics, planting a spy at Twitter, and brutally murdering a Washington Post journalist, the Saudi regime must be blocked from accessing Twitter account information, direct messages and other data that could be used to identify political opponents or to suppress criticism of the royal family”. He also added: “I’ve long argued that the United States has a national security interest in protecting Americans’ data from murderous foreign governments, and this Saudi regime absolutely fits that description”.

The White House recently said that it’s not discussing a national security review of some of Musk’s ventures

Now, what’s interesting is that the White House said, last month, that it was not discussing launching a national security review of some of Musk’s ventures (including Twitter). Things could change, though. Needless to say, Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was major news, worldwide. Ever since he took over, which happened quite recently, things at Twitter have been happening quite fast, for better or worse. Rough times are ahead of Twitter, Elon Musk admitted that recently. If any sort of investigation ends up being launched, that could make things all that much more difficult for Musk. It remains to be seen.